Video da jogabilidade de Kratos em Mortal Kombat é apresentado

Kratos foi anunciado para se tornar um dos lutadores do novo Mortal Kombat e exclusivo para a plataforma Playstation 3.Segundo a produtora, o personagemencaixa-se perfeitamente na temática do game. "Ele é violento, vingativo e cheio de má índole.", define a Warner Bros em seu pronunciamento. " Kratos não participará do modo história, mas terá seus fatalities e seu cenário exclusivos. Também foi feito uma mapeamento de seus movimentos para torná-los o mais parecido possível com seu jogo original.


E esse mapeamento você pode conferir abaixo. No vídeo exibido de suajogabilidade, percebe-se os ataques clássicos, com as respectivas armas adquiridas ao longo da série e os action commands, aquelas cenas que aparecem uma sequência de botões para realizar diferentes ataques. O vídeo mostra também a lista de habilidades que o Deus da Guerra possui em seu repertório, confira:

Lista com novos lutadores surge na internet

Detalhes sobre o novo Mortal Kombat tem sido divulgados aos poucos, sempre sob o controle dos desenvolvedores dos NetherRealm Studios. Mas parece que este controle foi perdido. Esta manhã caiu na internet o que parece ser a tela de escolha de personagens completa do jogo.

O vazamento surgiu com a foto tirada diretamente de uma TV com todos os kombatentes incluídos no disco (até os secretos), da versão para o PlayStation 3.


Para quem não reconheceu todos os lutadores, segue a lista completa: Scorpion, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sub-Zero, Sindel, Ermac, Reptile, Kitana, Johnny Cage, Jade, Mileena, Nightwolf, Cyrax, Noob Saibot, Smoke (humano), Sektor, Sonya, Jax, Kano, Stryker, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Kabal, Raiden, Sheeva e Quan Chi.

Mortal Kombat será lançado também para Xbox 360 em 19 de abril deste ano.

Menino que sofreu bullying ganha jogo na internet

O menino australiano que ficou popular depois de ter um video seu divulgado no YouTube após um ataque de bullying, ficou conhecido como Zangief Kid. Aproveitando a popularidade do menino, foi lançado na internet um site com um jogo baseado na cena: Zangief Kid - The Game

Para quem não conhece, Zangief é um lutador russo da famosa série de luta Street Fighter. A maioria de seus golpes são baseados em "agarrões", por isso a associação com o estudante australiano. Além disso, a forma física dos dois aumenta as semelhanças.

Pare pare pare Chega disso ne

Queridas 8 milhoes de pessoas do BgB

_ Infelizmente,devido a problemas com viagens a America do Norte,nos da BGB estamos parando o Blog por mais o menos 1 mes,por fazer aceite nossas desculpas,porem nos fizemos um Superposts 6/6 para vcs,e depois nos vamos voltar com um MEGA SUPER FUCKIN GET FUCK OVER HERE SUPÉR POSTS 20/20 , entao sempre quando der para postar la , nos vamos postar.

falou galera ate 1 mes, fui

Geohotz serie: GeoHot foge para América do Sul e Conta PSN Revelada superpost final

GeoHot foge para América do Sul.

Sabem aquele hacker que forneceu as keys para desbloquear a PS3? Aquele que fez um rap contra a Sony? Aquele que andou a pedir dinheiro para um processo contra a empresa nipónica? Pois bem, essa pessoa já não se encontra em solo Norte-americano.

Segundo o site VGHQ, o hacker, conhecido como GeoHot, fugiu para a América do Sul, evitando ter de entregar as suas posses. Contudo, este acto põe o seu caso em sério risco, podendo ter um desfecho extremamente desagradável para GeoHot.

Depois do tribunal ter forçado GeoHot a entregar tudo o que era dispositivo e de ter concedido acesso aos IPs do seu site e contas PayPal, veio-se agora saber que o hacker mentiu em tribunal, ao dizer que não possuía uma conta PSN.

Contudo, através de várias acções levadas a cabo pela SCEA, a empresa conseguiu provar que o hacker tinha, de facto, uma conta PSN com o nome "blickmanic".

Em suma, podemos estar perante a primeira grande vitória contra a pirataria, sendo bastante provável que GeoHot seja considerado culpado de todas as acusações.

Fonte em portugues:
Fonte em inglês:

Geohotz serie:Advogado de GeoHot diz que está tudo bem agora; hacker surge com camisa do Boca Juniors


Não, GeoHot não escapou da justiça para curtir férias nas praias de Salvador nem abrir seu próprio box de destravamento de consoles no Paraguai – é o que diz Stewart Kellar, o advogado do protagonista (ou vilão?) da novela Hackers da Paixão.

Em declaração ao site IGN, Kellar disse que seria “bem bobo” dizer que George Hotz usaria o dinheiro das doações que recebeu dos “fãs” para fugir para a América do Sul. “Brigar na Justiça contra uma empresa gigantesca como a Sony, que é representada por cinco advogados, é muito caro para um jovem de 21 anos”.

imagem gasela

“O dinheiro de doação que George recebeu está sendo usado exclusivamente na sua defesa legal. Se houver qualquer quantia sobrando depois de terminado o processo, George está planejando doar tudo para a Electronic Frontier Foundation”, disse Kellar.

Ele também informou que as peças que Hotz removeu dos seus discos rígidos antes de entregá-los à Justiça já foram providenciadas. Isso, portanto, não seria mais um problema.

Enquanto isso, o blog Geo Hot Got Sued, aparentemente mantido pelo próprio hacker, traz fotos do infame personagem com uma camisa do Boca Juniors. Estaria ele na Argentina?

“É verdade que eu estou na América do Sul, numa viagem que paguei e planejei desde novembro. Estamos nas férias de primavera; hackear não é a minha vida”, diz Hotz, no blog. “Fique tranquilo que nem um centavo do dinheiro da defesa legal iria pra algo desse tipo.”

“Dito isso, não vou deixar esse processo ridículo mandar na minha vida. Se eu fizer isso, as pessoas que querem plantar o terror vão vencer. Eu vou voltar. Ouvi dizer que é difícil encontrar um Xperia Play por aqui”, completou.

Gostosa game: Poxa q coxa Kasume SuperPosts


A ilustração na capa japonesa de Dead or Alive: Dimensions mostra a lutadora Kasumi prestes a chutar alguém. A versão nos EUA é similar, mas a Tecmo Koei (ou a Nintendo?) decidiu que os adolescentes americanos são muito vulneráveis e incapazes de lidar com as pernas de fora de uma personagem fictícia.

Do lado esquerdo na imagem acima, você pode ver a capa japonesa. À direita, a americana. E a menos que a edição japonesa tenha seios à mostra (ou pior!) na frente da caixa, eu nunca vou entender porque as pessoas se preocupam com esse tipo de coisa.

Principalmente porque é a Tecmo Koei, antiga casa de Tomonobu Itagaki. O criador de Dead or Alive e de Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, um jogo que mostrava garotas vestidas com biquínis fio-dental balançando suas “propriedades” enquanto jogavam vôlei. E agora a empresa que praticamente definiu as regras para a física de peitos femininos gigantes que balançam está preocupada com uma sainha muito curta?

Você mudou, Tecmo Koei. Você mudou.

Crysis 2 no PlayStation 3 está incrível

Após o episódio da demonstração de Crysis 2 ser removida da PlayStation Store dois dias depois do seu lançamento, muitos jogadores começaram a se perguntar da real qualidade do jogo da Crytek no console da Sony. Que o lançamento desta demonstração foi um erro, não temos dúvida: primeiro porque ela foi lançada com um release antigo do jogo, isto é, com problemas em sua parte gráfica que não estarão na versão final e segundo porque os servidores estavam extremamente instável para muitos jogadores.

Mas podem ficar calmos, parece que todos os problemas encontrados na demonstração não estarão na versão final do jogo. Um vídeo da versão final do jogo foi divulgado no youtube e o resultado final é incrível.

Confiram abaixo alguns minutos do jogo, mas atenção, contém spoilers. (Assistam em HD)

Novo Fatality divulgado de Mortal Kombat superposts


Quando o produtor de Mortal Kombat retornou ao Brasil trouxe com ele a Demo com vários personagens e legendada em português brasileiro, no entanto a segurança era muito rigorosa com filmagens, depois desse evento o produtor também estava presente na Game World 2011 no qual contou com o mesmo DEMO, no mesmo momento que acontecia a GW aqui também estava acontecendo o consagrado evento PAX 2011. Todos estavam ansiosos para filmar e colocar a mão na demo, pois continha personagens como Ermac, Noob Saibot, Jax e Liu Kang. No entanto todos Fatality’s foram filmados e só faltou o do Jax.

Atenção vídeo abaixo contem Spoiler

Filmados Anteriormente

Roupas Alternativas não serão compradas todas estarão no gigantesco modo Cripta(Krypt)

Em troca de perguntas e respostas no Twitter de Ed Boon, ele alega que todas os trajes alternativos estarão presentes no modo Krypita do Jogo diferentemente do SF4 onde você compra.

"noobde RT @Cloak007 @noobde Will we have to purchase alternate costumes SF4 style? =( PLEASE reply!.. Thanks Noobde: No, they are in the Krypt! "


Resident Evil: Revival Selection.Imagens do Jogo na revista Famitsu Super post

O estúdio japonês Capcom estará a trabalhar na adaptação dos clássicos Resident Evil 4 e Code Veronica em HD (alta definição) para a PS3 e Xbox360.

Segundo revelou a imprensa japonesa, o Resident Evil 4, que surgiu na Gamecube, PS2, PC e Wii, e o Code Veronica, da Dreamcast, PS2 e Gamecube, irá sofrer uma readaptação com evolução gráfica para a PS3 e Xbox360.

A colecção Resident Evil Revival poderá também ser compatível com o sensor Kinect, da Microsoft, e o Move, da Sony.

São esperados mais detalhes em breve sobre a data de lançamento.


Scans Do Jogo Logo ABaixo!







Richard Gale da entrevista sobre o bullying contra Casey Heynes o "Zangief Kid" E A ENTREVISTA COM O MESTRE



O estudante australiano Richard Gale, de 13 anos, disse que foi provocado primeiro pelo colega Casey Heynes no episódio de bullying que foi filmado e postado na internet. O vídeo da briga mostra Heynes, de 15 anos, recebendo um soco de Richard e, em seguida, revidando à provocação e atirando o colega com toda a força no chão. Richard teve ferimentos leves.

Veja o Vídeo.

Fatality crassico do scorpion hehe


Desde que Mortal Kombat entrou em pré-encomenda o famoso site fez um acordo comercial com a NetherRealm Studios não só para divulgar vídeos como também ter algo exclusivo se a franquia for encomendada. O Bonus para quem fizer pré-encomenda nesse site terá direito a um código para ter o traje Klassico do Ninja Infernal Scorpion juntamente com seu Fatality clássico. Hoje a GameStop divulga uma animação e da um gostinho do que seria esse Fatality no seu traje Klassico.

Lembrando que quem adquirir a franquia no terá direito ao traje e o Fatality clássicos de Reptile, já na é o Sub-Zero e tudo da a entender que Ermac clássico vira com o jogo nas edições Kollector's ou Tournament.


Ninjas Femininas


Das ninjas femininas Jade vira como código nos filmes remasterizados de Mortal Kombat 1 e 2 em Blu-Ray que será lançado juntamente com o jogo em 19/21 de abril, Mileena estará como pre-encomenda na loja e Kitana recebeu também essa verão pela Toys “R” Us(

Shang Tsung ancião e Fatality de Jax

Já era de esperar mediante ao grande vazamentos de Spoilers da fraquia Shang Tsung terá sua versão anciã como Traje Alternativo. O vídeo ainda conta com um pedaço do Fatality de Jax

Nova Render divulgada de Scorpion

Alguns dias atras foram divulgas novas Renders do Lutador e Ninja Scorpion


Gameplay Completa De Kratos Em Mortal Kombat


Saiu... Finalmento podemos testemunhar como o Deus da Guerra se sai em Mortal Kombat .. Também podemos ver sua arena exclusiva e também a outra arena revelada: Shao Kahn's Throne Room, Sem mais delongas :




"Resident Evil: Revival Selection" para Ps3 e Xbox 360

É parece que o anuncio de Resident Evil esta próximo, um forte indício
surgiu hoje atrávés de um título da conceituada revista Famitsu esta semana.
O jogo leva o nome de "Resident Evil Revival Selection" e esta com lançamento agendado para PS3 e Xbox 360 e recebe uma cobertura de 4 páginas da revista.


Veja no link abaixo o conteúdo da página

Também recebendo cobertura na revista desta semana é Devil Survivor 2 para o DS (não 3DS). Outros jogos incluem: 3D Resident Evil Mercenários (3DS), Final Fantasy tipo 0 (PSP), Persona 2 Innocent Sin (PSP), Tales of Xillia (PS3)

Street Fighter x Tekken personagens revelados?


Surgiu há coisa de minutos, um documento que revela a possível lista de personagens para o Street Fighter x Tekken.

A Capcom não é conhecida por saber guardar segredos e o documento que revela - hipoteticamente falando - a lista de personagens, contém informações bastante detalhadas sobre o estado do novíssimo beat' em up da Capcom.

Street Fighter

- Ryu
- Ken
- Guile
- Chun-Li
- M. Bison
- Akuma
- Dan Hibiki
- Dhalsim [Inacabada]
- Vega [Inacabada]
- Abel [Em teste]
- Cammy [Não está confirmada]
- Karin Kanzuki [Não está confirmada]
- Sakura [Em possível DLC]


- Kazuya Mishima
- Jin Kazama
- Nina Williams
- Paul Phoenix
- Christie Monteiro [Inacabada]
- Heihachi Mishima [Inacabada]
- Jun Kazama [em teste]
- Yoshimitsu [em teste]
- Zafina [confirmada]
- King [Não existe modelo]
- Forest Law [Não existe modelo]
- Ling Xiaoyu [Não está confirmada]
- Hwoarang
- Bryan Fury
- Ganryu
- Marshall Law

Fiquem com o documento na integra:


Relembro que nada disto está confirmado e que até ao lançamento podem existir várias alterações.

A Captivate é já em Abril e juntamente com as várias dicas lançadas por Yoshinoro Ono, certamente, iremos ficar a saber mais qualquer coisa sobre Street Fighter x Tekken.

Resident Evil completa 15 anos hoje


Hoje a franquia Resident Evil completa 15 anos de existência. No dia 22 de março do já longínquo ano de 1996, chegava às prateleiras japonesas Bio Hazard, o primeiro jogo da série, que colocava uma corajosa equipe do S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics And Rescue Service) em uma macabra mansão na cidade de Raccoon City, infestada de zumbis e criaturas malignas. Para comemorar esta data tão especial para a franquia, nada melhor do que relembrar um pouco dos melhores games da série, não é mesmo?

O vídeo acima, que é a abertura do primeiro game da série, certamente marcou a vida de muita gente. O primeiro vislumbre de um zumbi digital, o medo constante ao passar por um corredor escuro, a falta de munição e os sustos calculadamente planejados que levamos ao ver corvos quebrando vidros das janelas. Os vídeos, todos feitos com atores reais no melhor estilo filme B, estão entre os melhores momentos da série.

O primeiro headshot em um zumbi e a desleal batalha contra o Tyrant também ficaram na memória dos fãs da franquia, que na ocasião acompanharam o surgimento de uma das mais bem sucedidas franquias da história dos videogames. Alguns remakes do jogo foram lançados posteriormente, com melhorias na parte gráfica e algumas supresinhas para os fãs.

Dois anos depois do lançamento do primeiro game, a Capcom resolve lançar os jogadores em um novo pesadelo com Resident Evil 2. Desta vez, a infestação zumbi não está mais contida apenas em uma mansão, mas espalhada por toda a cidade de Raccoon City. Originalmente contando com dois discos, cada um com a história de um personagem diferente, Leon S. Kennedy e Claire Redfield, Resident Evil 2 rapidamente se tornou um clássico, por manter o terror em alta, aliado a uma boa história.

Ao final do jogo, alguns mini-games eram destravados, todos contribuindo com o entendimento da origem da Umbrella Corporation e da criação do T-Virus.

Em 1999 chegou às prateleiras Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. O jogo marca o retorno de uma das personagens do primeiro game, Jill Valentine, que volta à famigerada Raccoon City para dar fim aos experimentos da inescrupulosa Umbrella Corporation. O game apresenta uma interessante cadeia de vários epílogos diferentes, o que aumentava consideravelmente o fator replay.

O título contava também com um interessante pós-jogo intitulado The Mercenaries, onde o jogador pode escolher diferentes personagens em uma arriscada missão de sobrevivência. O Nemesis do título faz alusão ao principal vilão do game, uma criatura grotesca e implacável cujo único objetivo era eliminar qualquer sobrevivente do S.T.A.R.S.

Lançado somente em 2005, Resident Evil 4 foi um dos mais controversos títulos da franquia. Com o arco narrativo da Umbrella Corporation quase encerrada, a Capcom decidiu levar o game para um novo rumo, dando mais ênfase à ação, em detrimento do terror. Raccoon City e o T-Virus são deixados de lado, e o novo cenário é Pueblo, um vilarejo remoto na Espanha, onde uma outra empresa farmacêutica realiza experiências com genes de plantas para criar o Las Plagas, um vírus que transforma camponeses comuns em assassinos sedentos por sangue.

O que era para ser apenas uma missão de resgate coloca o velho conhecido Leon S. Kennedy em uma luta pela sobrevivência. Após o término do game, o jogador destravava uma série de mini games, onde o destaque é o jogo separate ways que mostra os acontecimentos pelo ponto de vista de outra personagem.

Dando sequência aos acontecimentos do game anterior, Resident Evil 5 segue buscando a origem do vírus Las Plagas, desta vez em um vilarejo isolado na África. Mantendo o foco na ação, o game lançado em 2009 coloca pela primeira vez a possibilidade de uma partida co-op, onde um jogador controla o protagonista, Chris Redfield, e outro controla sua assistente, a bela Sheva Alomar.

Além de investigar o Las Plagas, a missão na África tem um objetivo maior para o protagonista, que espera encontrar sua antiga parceira, Jill Valentine. A busca por Jill acaba desenterrando muita coisa dos games anteriores, inclusive o vilão do game original, Albert Wesker. Como muitos fatos foram relembrados e algumas pontas soltas do roteiro foram fechadas, há quem diga que o próximo game deve marcar uma nova reviravolta na série. Ao final da história original alguns extras são habilitados, como o modo The Mercenaries, bem como a possibilidade do player 1 controlar a coadjuvante Sheva.

As belas e as feras do Dragon Age 2


Fale o que quiser sobre Dragon Age II, da BioWare, mas uma coisa que me agradou foi como o jogo tentou criar seu próprio estilo de arte em vez de ficar perdido em um mar de clichês dos jogos de fantasia.

Esse estilo pode não agradar a todos os paladares, mas os traços angulados e as roupas feitas de couro com detalhes em pele ao menos marcam os personagens do jogo como sendo, claramente, habitantes do mundo de Ferelden.

Essas imagens são parte de uma reportagem maior do site Pixologic que consiste em uma entrevista com os artistas do jogo e uma grande variedade de arte digital.






Espirito de Zangief incorpora em menino australiano

As imagens mostram um garoto identificado como Casey Heynes sendo agredido por um colega em um colégio da cidade de Dunheved, enquanto outros jovens riem e acompanham a cena.
Heynes não reage aos primeiros golpes, até o momento em que ele passa a se defender, agarrando o adversário e o atirando ao chão.
O vídeo virou o assunto mais comentado do dia em sites de
Algumas edições do vídeo ganharam trilha sonora do game "Street fighter II", pois o golpe desferido pelo adolescente é semelhante ao utilizado por Zangief, personagem de um dos jogos de luta mais populares da história dos arcades.

Agora vamos ver o video de Casey

Estes tênis foram feitos com peças de computador

O artista Gabriel Dishaw esculpiu um par de tênis da Nike usando peças velhas de computador. Ou seja, placas-mãe, chipsets, conectores, entradas USB e até uma máquina de escrever foram reunidos para recriar o Estes tênis foram feitos com peças de computador". É uma bela obra de arte que levou 90 horas para ficar completa.






Veja 3d sem oculos,apenas sendo vesgo

Com o surgimento nos últimos anos do 3D Digital animadores e cineastas podem enganar seus olhos de uma forma mais real como se você realmente estivesse vendo o filme através de uma janela entre o mundo real o mundo fantástico do cinema.

Até então estão sendo descobertas várias formas de ver imagens e assistir filmes com esta terceira dimensão. Várias pessoas ja assistiram filmes em 3d no cinema ou em casa (o que hoje ainda não é nada comum).

Foi descoberta uma nova técnica de poder ver imagens e assistir filmes em 3D sem a necessidade de comprar um aparelho ou óculos digital. Essa técnica mais conhecida como Cross Eye, ou seja, olhos cruzados é totalmente simples e prática de fazer, você só precisará treinar um pouco e ter a capacidade de ficar vesgo, isso mesmo, vesgo. É a mesma coisa que acontece quando usamos os óculos, so que eles fazem o serviço pra gente, ou seja, os efeitos e riscos são os mesmos. Veja abaixo como usar está tecnica agora mesmo para poder ver imagens tridimensionais.


1- Voce terá uma imagem com duas fotos aparentementes iguais.
2- Olhe entre as duas fotos e fique vesgo ate aparecer 3 imagens, ou seja, vai se formar uma nova imagem no centro
3- Ainda vesgo, tente focalizar (deixar nítido) a imagem do meio. (igual camera digital procurando foco quando dá zoom) Voce sentirá um pequeno desconforto (dorzinha) atrás do olho.
4- Não desista, continue tentando.
5- Quando a imagem do meio ficar totalmente nítida ou ate melhor que as imagens originais, voce a estará vendo em 3D.

Erros mais comuns:
1- Ficou vesgo mais do que necessário (viu mais que 3 imagens)
2- Não focalizou a visão na imagem que será criada ao meio
3- Nao está de frente ao monitor
4- Desistiu de focalizar

Se você conseguiu, ai vai mais algumas fotos:





Se conseguiram dominar essa tecnica ai vai alguns videos do YouTube em cross eyed. Se não ficar em 3d como você viu nas fotos, vá no botão "3D" no player do youtube e ative o modo Swap. recomendo que vejam em boa qualidade e em tela cheia. Para a galera que tem curiosidade em ver jogos em 3D, vai tbm um gameplay de dirt. (Nao esquece de ligar o modo Swap e ajustar o modo de tela wide)Nao veja aqui nesta pag, veja no youtube

Jogos são como cocaína" segundo psicólogo inglês


Steve Pope, conhecido psicólogo e terapeuta inglês, parece ter uma grande relação de ódio com o universo dos videojogos. Numa entrevista concedida à estação BBC Radio Five, Pope reiterou a sua opinião acerca destes, afirmando que "passar duas horas a jogar é equivalente a consumir de uma linha de cocaína", algo que já tinha dito no passado ano aquando de uma outra entrevista.

Numa tentativa de alertar para os efeitos negativos que o vício nos videojogos pode gerar, Pope teceu esta afirmação absurda, sem base em qualquer tipo de estatística, e que talvez advenha do facto do próprio ser um ex-toxicodependente. Assim, Pope pôde basear-se na sua experiência pessoal para analisar os problemas de muitos dos seus pacientes.

Pope refere que a dependência criada pelos videojogos está a "afectar os jovens mental e fisicamente", apontando estes como os principais causadores da obesidade infantil/juvenil e também de muitos casos de violência: "depois de jogarem jogos violentos, (os jovens) podem querer tranformar a fantasia em realidade", disse.

Acham que a teoria de Pope em relação aos videojogos é válida? Partilhem a vossa opinião na zona de comentários abaixo.

Mortal Kombat 2011 continua vazando informações e dessa vez foi grande


Atenção spoilers

Informações do jogo foram vazadas, porém são muitas para postar todas elas aqui (para se ter uma base de tamanho são cerca de 255 paginas no Word como fonte 11), o documento vazado conta com todas as falas de todos os personagens no jogo, todos os Special Moves e todos os diálogos de todas as missões do Challenge Mode, menciona o que cada Versus Kode faz e o que cada Modifier do Test Your Lucky faz

Antes de começar os Spolier, irei demonstrar alguns Gameplay que estão rolando no Youtube entre eles combos que tiram muito dano.


Fatality’s/Stage Da Demo

Combos Avassaladores

Nova Render de Raiden e Jade (completa)

NetheterRealm Studios divulga uma nova render do Deus do Trovão e outra render de Jade (já divulgada porem somente da cintura para cima)



The Biggest Spoiler Ever

Atenção não leia nenhuma informação abaixo, contem Spoiler do Jogo

Um spoiler está sendo mostrado abaixo, clique aqui novamente para fechá-lo
. Jade e Kitana terão 4 Costumes (as duas do jogo + do MK2 + do MK3)
. Cyberzero terá só 1 Costume
. Ermac, Reptile, Sub-Zero e Scorpion terão 3 Costumes (as duas do jogo + do MKI)
. Mileena terá 5 Costumes (as duas do jogo + do MK2 + do MK3 + a que libera aovencer a Challenge Tower)
. Kratos terá 2 Costumes (sendo uma a normal e outra chamada de Fear Kratos)
. Shang Tsung jogável terá os dois Costumes básico, mas o da CPU terá um

Todas as Arenas do jogo:

Bell Tower
Courtyard (Day)
Courtyard (Night)
Dead Pool
Flesh Pits
Goro's Lair
Living Forest
Pit Bottom
Pit (Day)
Pit (Night)
Rooftop (Dawn)
Rooftop (Day)
Rooftop (Dusk)
Shao Kahn's Throne Room
Soul Chamber
Shang Tsung's Garden (Day)
Shang Tsung's Garden (Night)
Shang Tsung's Throne Room
Evil Monastery

Nota: Arena do Kratos vem no DLC junto com ele

Detalhes revelados no documento vazado na demo:

. O local onde ficarão as artworks, movies e etc se chama Nekropolis
. As versõe Zombie de Cyrax, Sektor, Smoke e Kabal são chamadas de Frankenstein, não Zombie (Aquela suposta imagem do Smoke Robô não passava do Cyrax Frankenstein ou de um Cyber Ninja)
. No começo apenas o código de um fatality estará liberado, o do segundo precisará de ser liberado.
. As relíquias estão de volta! Cada personagem jogável terá uma relíguia (não se sabe como ganha, mas provavelmente ao vence o Arcade Mode)
. Serão 5 níveis de dificuldade (Beginner, Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert)
. É possível pular missões da Challenge Tower pagando em Koin (o preço varia)
. Haverá modo Spectator no online, sendo possível avaliar a luta
. Os Versus Kodes estão de volta, exatamente como no UMK3
. Endurance Mode também faz seu retorno
. Haverá algo chamado "TowerIcons" que pode dar uma penalidade ou um bônus em níveis da Challenge Tower

. Jade e Kitana terão 4 Costumes (as duas do jogo + do MK2 + do MK3)
. Cyberzero terá só 1 Costume
. Ermac, Reptile, Sub-Zero e Scorpion terão 3 Costumes (as duas do jogo + do MKI)
. Mileena terá 5 Costumes (as duas do jogo + do MK2 + do MK3 + Flesh Pits)
. Kratos terá 2 Costumes (sendo uma a normal e outra chamada de Fear Kratos)
. Os demais possuem 2 Costumes
. Shang Tsung jogável terá os dois Costumes básico, mas o da CPU terá um diferente (Old Shang Tsung, provavelmente, e um indício que o Old será um Boss)

. Haverão vários personagens enfrentáveis mas não jogáveis (Challenge Tower), segue a lista:
Cage Twin, Johnny Blaze, Thug, Stunt Man, Cyber Ninja, Demon, Stunt Zombie, Zombie, Tarkatan Soldier, Tarkatan General, Tarkatan Leader, Captured Tarkatan, Director, Oni, Ruutuu (Nightwolf Demon) e Rats.

Haverão 16 níveis do Test Your Might (Pine Boards, Teak, Oak, Bamboo, Coal, Bricks, Marble, Silver, Gold, Iron, Titanium, Amber, Pear, Sapphire, Diamond e Head)
. Haverão 6 níveis do Test Your Strike (Bricks, Human Skulls, Severed Heads, Soul Box, Gold Bars, Diamond Bricks
. Haverão 3 níveis do Test Your Sight (Cup, Head, Skull)
. O Test Your Lucky terá os seguintes modificadores (Fight Modifier [11 ao todo], Meter Modifier [12 ao todo], Status Modifier [16 ao todo], Stage Modifier [11 ao todo] e Fun Modifier [6 ao todo]

. Quan Chi terá um move chamado de Mind Control
. Sindel está com o "golpe do cabelo" de volta

. Será possível agora gravas suas lutas online e mesmo no Practice, salvando-as no console.
. Será possível também baixar a trial do jogo, uma demo com limite de tempo, enquanto você não recebe o jogo em mãos.

. Há algo chamado de "Tower Missions" onde aparecerão além dos principais: Shinnok, Mirror Quan Chi, Ancestors, Zombie, Director, Tarkatan Brigands, Lin Kuei Soldier, Cyber-Reptile, Cyborg, Stunt Man, Stunt Zombi, Black Dragon Thug, Oni, Ruutuu, Sound In The Distance (?), Narrator, Old Man, Voice (?), Lin Kuei Base (?), Ice Grenadier, Fire Grenadier,

Capítulos do Story Mode



Baraka is the fiercest of the Tarkatans, vicious nomadic mutants from the wastes of Outworld. Like all Tarkatan males, he joined Shao Kahn's army once he came of age and survived the brutal Ritual of Blood. He gained the rank of Enforcer after single-handedly defeating a rebel faction. His loyalty and strength make him a favorite of the emperor; his retractable blades have slain many of Shao Kahn's most bitter enemies. As a kontestant in the Mortal Kombat tournament, he will ensure his emperor's claim to Earthrealm.

Shokan and Centaur alike were enraged that Baraka, Shao Kahn's trusted enforcer, had turned on their master and killed him just as Earthrealm was within their grasp.

But their anger turned to admiration as the lifeless body of Shao Kahn transformed into that of the treacherous sorcerer Shang Tsung. Shang had attempted to claim the realm for himself by posing as Shao Kahn. The deception had not fooled Baraka. He had recognized Shang Tsung's scent and torn out his throat. With Earthrealm finally in Shao Kahn's control, Baraka's loyalty and bold action were rewarded. Tarkatans replaced the Centaur as the emperor's Favored Race.

A skilled Motswana warrior, Cyrax relies on his natural fighting ability, his chi, to carry out Lin Kuei missions. He is proud to serve, but when the Grand Master initiates a program to convert the clan into cyborgs, Cyrax resists. He is reluctant to lose his humanity, which he believes is more effective than any mechanical augmentation. He has contemplated leaving the clan, fearing that it is no longer an organization of honorable assassins. Cyrax knows, however, that such a decision means death at the hands of his former comrades. No one leaves the Lin Kuei.

Though he had pledged his life to the Lin Kuei, Cyrax left the clan to help the Earthrealm heroes turn back Shao Kahn's invasion.

For this act of desertion, he was marked for termination by the new Grand Master--Sektor. Surrounded and severely outnumbered, Cyrax prepared to meet his fate when Raiden came to his aid. With him were 100 Shaolin monks. The Lin Kuei were defeated, though Sektor was not counted among the dead. Cyrax was offered sanctuary at the Wu Shi Academy, where he has begun a new life as an honorable warrior for peace.

As punishment for resisting Shao Kahn's claim to the realm of Edenia, the souls of the vanquished were torn from their bodies and fused together to form the being now known as Ermac. Bent to Shao Kahn's will, Ermac is his foremost enforcer. The essences of so many souls bound together give Ermac immense telekinetic power--an advantage that will destroy Earthrealm's resistance to Shao Kahn's rule.

With Shao Kahn dead, Ermac was no longer bound to him. Anarchy erupted within Ermac as the many warrior souls that comprised his being struggled for dominance.

Only one had the strength of will to quiet the chaos. The conflict resolved, Ermac returned to Outworld, determined to reunite with his past. Queen Sindel and Princess Kitana were shocked to learn the truth: that trapped among the many spirits within Ermac was their husband and father, King Jerrod. Though he would never be the Jerrod they once knew, Ermac would forever serve and protect his queen and the Edenian people.

Prince Goro has brought much honor to the Shokan race by serving Shao Kahn. His bloody achievements include crushed rebellions and conquered provinces. During the past 500 years he has been celebrated for winning the last nine Mortal Kombat tournaments for Outworld. Should he defeat Earthrealm's champion this time, he will become more than legendary. His victory is assured. There are none in Earthrealm who can withstand the might of Goro.

For millennia Shao Kahn had toyed with the proud Shokan race, continuously demanding they prove their worth against the hated Centaur. Goro slew the emperor, ending this indignity.

He then used Shao Kahn’s blood to paint runic symbols on his body—an ancient Shokan ritual of succession. Suddenly the runes began to glow, searing Goro’s flesh. Incredible power surged through him. Goro became Drathon, the Destroyer Prince prophesized to exterminate the Centaur and reunite the Shokan bloodlines.

An assassin for Shao Kahn, Jade has earned a reputation as an agile and stealthy warrior. Her family was Edenian nobility and served the emperor once he conquered their realm, giving Jade to him as tribute when she was a child. After years of rigorous training in the art of kombat, Shao Kahn awarded her the position of Bodyguard to Princess Kitana. Over the centuries she and Kitana have become close friends, which makes Jade's secret orders from Shao Kahn painful to accept: Should Kitana's loyalty falter, Jade must kill her friend.

Shao Kahn was defeated, but the intense battle rendered Jade unconscious.

She slipped into a dream-like state and found herself walking in an unknown realm. As she explored, her surroundings shifted and changed. Jade approached a lone figure who stood in the distance--a shimmering woman. She did not reveal her name, but spoke with an air of regal authority. Through the minds of countless mortals, the woman had been watching events as they unfolded over the centuries. She informed Jade that Shao Kahn's death was an outcome that must be re-imagined. Jade was defenseless as the woman possessed her body and emerged in the waking world.

A decorated member of the U.S. Special Forces and a formidable close-kombat warrior, Major Jackson Briggs' current mission is to bring down the notorious criminal organization known as the Black Dragon. With Lieutenant Sonya Blade, he has seized many of their weapons caches. But when a trusted informant, Kano, was revealed to be a high-ranking member of the Black Dragon, Jax made Kano's capture his priority. Kano has gotten the better of Jax thus far, leading the Special Forces into numerous deadly ambushes. Jax and Sonya finally cornered Kano on an uncharted island but were overpowered by the island's inhabitants. They have now been forced into a sadistic ritual of bloody kombat.

After the invasion was thwarted, many of Jax’s allies had seemingly disappeared, leaving him to clean up the mess on his own.

He searched for Shao Kahn’s remaining forces utilizing a new cyber-scanner designed to remotely access worldwide databases. Navigating its virtual reality interface, Jax inadvertently accessed Kano’s brain through his optical laser implant.�aTheir minds linked,�aJax virtually battled Kano. Finally he captured and quarantined Kano’s consciousness within the Special Forces mainframe. A dangerous criminal had finally been neutralized.

There is no greater martial arts movie star than Johnny Cage. Films such as "Dragon Fist", "Time Smashers" and "Citizen Cage" have made him one of the most highly paid actors in Hollywood. But there is more to Johnny than even he knows. He is a descendant of an ancient Mediterranean cult who bred warriors for the gods -- warriors who possessed power beyond that of mortals. This legacy has made Johnny Cage a star. More important, it will aid him in the battle to come.

As the last remnants of Shao Kahn disintegrated, Johnny felt strange, as if he had lost control of his body.

Suddenly, powerful energy burst forth, destroying everything around him. Johnny sought the aid of Raiden and Nightwolf, but their efforts did nothing to stop these random spasms of destruction. Desperate, Raiden transported Johnny to Seido, the Realm of Order, where he could be taught to control his power. Johnny Cage will transform into a warrior powerful beyond mortal imagining.

Once a member of the Black Dragon clan, Kabal gave up his life of crime and put his fighting skills to more positive uses. He joined the New York City police force to kombat the underworld element he once served. This transition helped ease the pain of dark memories. But when New York was invaded he underwent another transformation--one that would afflict him physically. Severely injured in battle, he is doomed to wear a life support system forever.

Victory over Shao Kahn came with a heavy price.�aKabal’s respirator was badly damaged and if it was not repaired soon, he would surely die.

Desperate, he tracked down Kano and forced from him the identity of the cyberneticist who developed Kano’s eye laser. The good doctor was not easy to find, but he was more than eager to help–for a price. Now Kabal is rebuilt. He is better than he was before. Stronger. Faster. He will need to be in order to repay his debt.

Undisciplined and dangerous, Kano is a thug for hire. From weapons dealing to cold-blooded murder, his military training has made him the go-to man for the Black Dragon. But when an operation went to hell and his face horribly mutilated, Kano's crime spree was almost ended. Ever the survivor, he used his underworld connections to find a cyberneticist capable of repairing the damage. Kano was fitted with several high-tech enhancements, most notably his eye laser. With these new weapons, Kano's reign of terror has only just begun.

Kano made a fortune selling arms to Shao Kahn and used the profits to upgrade his cybernetics.

The added connectivity of his eye implant gave him unparalleled access to global communications. Using his mind, he navigated the databases of banks, law enforcement agencies and other networks. But his activities left him vulnerable to hackers. Jax infiltrated Kano’s mind and trapped his consciousness in the Special Forces mainframe. It wasn’t long, however, until Kano managed to free himself. His consciousness spread like a virus throughout the Special Forces network of automated weaponry. Kano has become a one-man army.

Like Goro and Sheeva, Kintaro is of the four-armed Shokan race. Unlike his aristocratic comrades, however, he is of lower-class Tigrar lineage. As is customary when recruiting Shokan and Centaur into Shao Kahn's service, one of each race must face each other in bloody kombat. Kintaro killed his opponent and, in an unprecedented act of bravado, roared for more Centaur blood. Centaurs leapt furiously into the ring to their demise. This savagery led Shao Kahn to appoint Kintaro his personal bodyguard.

Kintaro's meteoric rise to glory in the service of Shao Kahn had inflated his ego and his hunger for exaltation.

But his position as the emperor's bodyguard had stifled any opportunity for further achievement or recognition--save one. After killing Shao Kahn, the most powerful being in Outworld, Kintaro's fame had grown indeed. He had achieved the notoriety of a traitor. Now hunted by the Centaur, Tarkatan and Shokan, Kintaro lives a life of exile, a victim of his own infamy.

Over 10,000 years old, Princess Kitana remembers little of her early years. Her mother, Queen Sindel, died mysteriously ages ago in Earthrealm. Most of her life she has loyally served her father, Shao Kahn, in his unending quest to conquer the realms. With her closest friend, Jade, Kitana enforces his brutal will. But there is a feeling tugging at her... a feeling that the life she has known is a deception. For the moment, Kitana dutifully works to ensure Outworld's victory in this latest Mortal Kombat tournament. If she were to lower her guard, however, she might discover that her Earthrealm opponents can lead her to answers.

Kitana had ended Shao Kahn’s life for his betrayal. She had discovered the truth about Mileena...

... but rather than slay her as well, she took pity on her half-sister. She offered Mileena a home within the Edenian aristocracy. She was, after all, of royal blood. Mileena cautiously accepted her sister’s invitation. With Mileena and Jade at her side, Kitana formed a fighting force dedicated to bringing justice to the realms. Never again would a warlord arise to create such terror.

Ancient Greece knew no more bloodthirsty a warrior than Kratos, who for a time was the God of War. Mortal once more, Kratos withdrew from the ages-old clash between men and gods. But his solitude was broken when he was ripped through space and time. As the madness subsided, Kratos found himself in present-day Outworld, kneeling before Shao Kahn. To ensure his victory in Mortal Kombat, the emperor had invoked an ancient ritual, sacrificing the souls of his vanguard to summon and enslave the most powerful warrior of all time. But the spell alone could not contain Kratos, who soon regained his free will. Enraged by Shao Kahn's arrogance, Kratos vowed to rip the warlord's spine from his body. The God of War had returned to battle.

Shao Kahn was dead. The God of War had prevailed. The spell that had summoned him began to reverse itself.

As he slowly faded from this place and time, Kratos was approached by Raiden and Fujin. Though he did not count them among his enemies, Kratos had never been beloved by these gods. He prepared for kombat.

To his surprise, they bowed to him, a show of respect he had not seen from an immortal in many an age. Raiden explained that though his motives were not pure, Kratos had saved Earthrealm. He was owed a debt of gratitude. As he returned to his own world, Kratos nodded silently.

Their change of heart would perhaps prove useful one day. A debt of gratitude is often dearly paid.

Kung Lao's ancestor was defeated by Goro 500 years ago in the pivotal match that saw Shang Tsung attain control of the Mortal Kombat tournament. To him this contest is about more than Earthrealm's freedom. His life's goal has been to slay Goro and win the tournament, thus restoring his family's honor. After being defeated by Liu Kang in a qualifying bout, he disguised himself as one of Shang Tsung's guards to gain admittance. Kung Lao believes he is ready for the challenge. The time to avenge his ancestor is at hand.

Kung Lao had avenged his ancestor’s death and saved Earthrealm from Shao Kahn’s brutality.

In quiet reflection with Raiden at the grave of the Great Kung Lao, he touched the modest stone marker. Images of past events, moments of someone else’s life, flashed through his mind, concluding with a lost battle against Goro. Raiden theorized that Kung Lao had unlocked memories of his past life. The Kung Lao that stood before Raiden was in fact the reincarnation of the Great Kung Lao, who had been defeated by Goro 500 years ago. He had accomplished in the present what he could not in the past.

Orphaned at a very young age, Liu Kang was raised by Shaolin monks, who taught him the way of the spiritual warrior. They soon recognized his potential as a contender for the Mortal Kombat tournament and rigorously trained him for this task. Raiden, too, understood that Liu Kang was Earthrealm's best hope for freedom and introduced him to Master Bo' Rai Cho to further his development. Once fully trained, Liu Kang bested all challengers and earned the high honor of representing the Shaolin in the Mortal Kombat tournament. He and Raiden then embarked on their fateful journey to Shang Tsung's island to compete in this pivotal kontest.

Having defeated Shao Kahn, Liu Kang believed he was the only one capable of defending Earthrealm against outside threats.

During the invasion Raiden had been more burden than ally. Brazenly he demanded the Elder Gods grant him the thunder god’s status. In a one-match Mortal Kombat tournament, Liu Kang defeated his former friend and mentor. Liu Kang's request was granted. He was made a god–the new Protector of Earthrealm.

Shang Tsung has created many abominable creatures in his Flesh Pits, but none so twisted as Mileena. A fusion of Edenian flesh and Tarkatan blood, Mileena is both beauty and beast. This dichotomy has made her mind unstable; she is prone to fits of madness and savagery. Though she has the appearance of a mature woman, she is more child than adult--a blank slate conformed to Shao Kahn's will. Devoid of conscience or remorse, Mileena will butcher anyone to appease her beloved father.

Mileena killed the emperor in a fit of deranged fury. But she was unaware that her victory resulted from Shang Tsung's designs.

He had imbued Mileena with the ability to drain Shao Kahn's dark magic, rendering him vulnerable. Now Shang Tsung was ready to execute the next phase of his plan: murder Mileena and take Shao Kahn's power for himself. But Mileena instinctively wielded her new dark power against the sorcerer. Shang Tsung's end came quickly. Mileena absorbed his soul, multiplying her strength. She then set out to claim an even bigger prize: the soul of a thunder god.

Nightwolf is one of few Earthrealm mortals with a strong connection to the spirit world. A powerful Native American shaman, he is guided by the empyrean forces and communes with divine beings such as Haokah, known to the East as Raiden. Nightwolf's devotion allows the Spirits to work through him, granting him unnatural long life and ethereal weapons to kombat the darkness that threatens mortalkind. In the coming crisis, however, it is not Nightwolf's arsenal that will alter fate. His faith in the Spirits will inspire those who have lost hope.

It took all of Nightwolf's power to destroy Shao Kahn. His spirit guide, the wolf, had aided him in the battle, but in the aftermath its presence was no longer felt.

Nightwolf returned to his home, seeking the elders' help in reconnecting to the spirit world. During their ritual, his wolf returned to him--changed. Shao Kahn had tethered his soul to the wolf spirit in order to cheat death. Now corrupted with Shao Kahn's evil, Nightwolf has transformed into his Animality, his bite converting his victims into subservient lycanthropes. Through Nightwolf, Shao Kahn will conquer Earthrealm one mortal at a time.

Noob Saibot's origins are unknown, but he is likely a revenant: a fallen warrior resurrected by the Netherrealm sorcerer Quan Chi to fulfill a dark objective. Noob has been assigned to aid Shao Kahn in his acquisition of Earthrealm. A faithful servant and a recent addition to the Brotherhood of Shadow, he will obey his master, Quan Chi, and complete his mission. But he is biding his time. Noob Saibot has a dark objective of his own.

Quan Chi should never have resurrected Noob Saibot. Nor should he have enhanced his power to defeat Shao Kahn.

The revenant he created had broken free of his control. Noob had secretly formed an "understanding" with a cleric from the realm of Chaos and opened for him a portal to the Netherrealm. Shinnok, Quan Chi and the Brotherhood of Shadow were unprepared as the forces of Chaos overwhelmed them, leaving the Underworld severely weakened. Satisfied with his work, the cleric, Havik, returned to the realm of Chaos. Noob Saibot remained to seize control of the Netherrealm.

The Netherrealm has produced many vile beings, but none rival the Arch-Sorcerer Quan Chi. In lieu of Netherrealm demons, he prefers to resurrect deceased warriors for use in his sinister plans. Foremost among them is the tortured Shirai Ryu ninja Scorpion, who is Quan Chi's personal assassin. Quan Chi is building an army of such specters--the purpose of which has yet to be revealed. Another mystery is the sorcerer's involvement in the Mortal Kombat tournament. The Netherrealm has no stake in its outcome, which leads some observers to question his presence....

Having finally brought about Shao Kahn's demise, Quan Chi was then tasked with growing the ranks of the Brotherhood of Shadow.

Many warriors had perished in Outworld's invasion of Earthrealm. Quan Chi stole their souls and remade them to serve his master, the fallen Elder God.

The task completed, Shinnok repaid Quan Chi's service by ordering his execution, thereby eliminating a possible challenger to his rule.

Quan Chi had anticipated this act of treachery, however, and resurrected Shao Kahn--the ultimate phantom warrior. With Shao Kahn as his enforcer, Quan Chi struck down the Brotherhood of Shadow and Shinnok. Quan Chi forgives betrayal from no one. Not even a god.

Raiden is the God of Thunder and Protector of Earthrealm. Ageless and wise beyond measure, he leads Earthrealm's mortals in the endless battle against the forces of darkness. When Shao Kahn, Emperor of Outworld, threatened to merge his realm with Earthrealm, an overwhelmed Raiden implored the Elder Gods to give Earthrealm a fighting chance. Thus the Mortal Kombat tournament was created. For millennia Shao Kahn has been kept at bay, but nine consecutive losses to Goro have eroded hope that Earthrealm can be saved. Determined to prevent Armageddon, Raiden tirelessly quests to find a champion worthy of Mortal Kombat.

Shao Kahn was gone, but the scars of the merging of realms remained.

Remnants of the invasion force roamed freely and had to be dealt with. But Earthrealm is vast and Raiden is but one being. He recruited four warriors, one for each direction of the wind, and divided his soul, placing one part in each of them. Through these new heroes Raiden can kombat the forces of darkness in four places at once.

His home realm of Zaterra is gone, mysteriously destroyed ages ago. Reptile is the last known surviving member of his race. He has since made Outworld his home. Shao Kahn has made use of Reptile's mastery of stealth to spy on suspected traitors and slay known enemies of the empire. But the knowledge that he is the last of his kind gnaws at Reptile. He would give anything, kill anyone, if it would bring his realm back from the abyss. Self-pity fuels his aggression as he inflicts suffering and death on others.

Having defeated Shao Kahn, Reptile was feared by all. He forced Shang Tsung to regenerate his Raptor race.

The process took agonizing months, but soon Reptile heard the snarls of young broodlings throughout the Flesh Pits. Eventually�aShang Tsung had created an army of Raptor warriors bred to serve Reptile. They stormed the realm, killing any Tarkatan, Shokan or Centaur who opposed Reptile’s rule. The intoxicating feeling of reuniting with his people blinded Reptile to the suffering of his former comrades. Reptile was home once more.

Hanzo Hasashi was once a member of the Japanese Shirai Ryu ninja clan. Given the name Scorpion for his blindingly fast and deadly fighting skill, his life was blessed with glorious kombat in the name of his Grand Master. But when he, his family and his clan were brutally exterminated by Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei, Scorpion's existence became eternal torment. Resurrected by the malevolent necromancer Quan Chi, he entered the Mortal Kombat tournament to slay Sub-Zero and avenge the murders of his kin.

Shao Kahn’s death did nothing to relieve Scorpion’s pain.�aThe loss of his kin still weighed heavily upon him.

For reasons he could neither explain nor understand, he was drawn to the home of the Shirai Ryu. Standing amid the rubble in solemn contemplation, Scorpion was visited by apparitions of his fallen comrades, who revealed the true mastermind behind their brutal deaths.�a Enraged, he returned to the Netherrealm. As the spirits of his kin immobilized Quan Chi, Scorpion slew him, finally avenging their deaths.

The son of the Grand Master, it was never in question that Sektor would join the Lin Kuei. What pleases the Grand Master is the degree to which his son relishes the life of an assassin. The secretive clan allows Sektor to express his darker nature, using any means necessary to complete his tasks. Hired by Shang Tsung, his current assignment is to attend the Mortal Kombat tournament and eliminate the Earthrealm competitors before they have a chance to compete. Though this mission will put his clan in good standing with Shao Kahn, Sektor's ultimate goal is to supplant his father as Grand Master of the Lin Kuei.

Sektor had dedicated his life to the Lin Kuei. His victories had brought honor to his father, the Grand Master. He had proven himself worthy.

It was time to replace his father. In a bold attack, Sektor smashed through a company of cyber Lin Kuei guards as he pushed toward the Grand Master’s chamber.�aThere he found his father waiting. The Grand Master warned him that wearing the Dragon Medallion brought much power, but at a cost.�aSektor ignored the warning and slew his father, whose soul burst from his body and flew into the medallion. Sektor placed the artifact around his neck. He had finally seized control of the Lin Kuei.

A treacherous sorcerer who consumes the souls of his victims, Shang Tsung has played host to the last nine Mortal Kombat tournaments in Earthrealm, stacking the odds in favor of his master. Originally from Earthrealm, Shang Tsung's magical abilities led him to discover the realm of Outworld. There he fell in league with its ruler, Shao Kahn, and pledged his life to him in return for enhanced power. He is now bound to the emperor by powerful dark magic. For centuries he has submissively done Shao Kahn's bidding. Should he fail in his mission to secure Earthrealm, he will suffer the emperor's wrath.

Shang Tsung voraciously consumed Shao Kahn’s soul, absorbing his immense power.

Overwhelmed by his newfound sorcery, he fled to Outworld. Moments before suicide, Shang Tsung was visited by Bo’ Rai Cho. The mentor of warriors offered to teach him to control the dark magic, but for a special purpose: Liu Kang had become a god. The power had corrupted him, transforming him into a tyrant. He needed to be stopped. After rigorous training, Shang Tsung mastered the one technique that could finish Liu Kang. Vengeance would finally be his.

Emperor Shao Kahn's lust for power is matched only by his ruthlessness. Millennia ago he overthrew Onaga as ruler of Outworld and has conquered many other realms since. Eventually he turned his attention to Earthrealm. The Mortal Kombat tournament prevents him from taking the realm by force, but if Shao Kahn's champions win 10 consecutive tournaments, Earthrealm will be his. As long as his champions Shang Tsung and Prince Goro do not fail him, he will be victorious.

Shao Kahn has no listed ending.

Sheeva is a member of the four-armed Shokan race. Her markings reveal that she is of the royal Draco lineage. Like all Shokan, she pledged her life to Shao Kahn, bringing honor to her race by serving him. During an attack by Edenian rebels on Shao Kahn's fortress, Sheeva fiercely protected Queen Sindel and prevented her capture. She was subsequently appointed Sindel's personal bodyguard until the queen's mysterious death in Earthrealm. Sheeva is now the master jailer of Shao Kahn's oppressive dungeon.

Sheeva had recognized the signs. Her people were out of favor and in decline. The Centaur would soon dominate Shao Kahn's forces while the Shokan would move inexorably toward extinction.

Sheeva's act of defiance, her murder of Shao Kahn, made possible a new home for her people among the mortals of Earthrealm--a world free of both Tarkatan and Centaur. With cooperation from world leaders, Sheeva secured for the Shokan the continent of Australia. In return, they would protect Earthrealm from future invasions. For her leadership Sheeva was exalted--the most honorable Shokan in their proud history.

The mother of Kitana, Queen Sindel was forced into marriage with Shao Kahn when he conquered her realm of Edenia. In an attempt to thwart the emperor's designs on Earthrealm, she sacrificed herself. Her suicide created a magical ward preventing him from setting foot there. But now the barrier has been dissolved. Sindel has been resurrected, her mind enslaved by Shao Kahn. Earthrealm's former ally has become a deadly threat.

The spell that bewitched Queen Sindel had been broken. She did battle with Shao Kahn and slew him— punishment for the suffering he brought upon her and millions of others throughout the realms.

She dissolved the sorcery that bound Edenia with Outworld and began restoring her realm to its former glory. The many races of Outworld were impressed. Not only had Sindel defeated Shao Kahn, but she had shown great leadership in chaotic times. They willingly offered her their allegiance. Under Sindel’s governance, the realms of Edenia and Outworld remain merged in spirit.

Originating from Prague, Tomas Vrbada was recruited by the Lin Kuei for his impressive ability to escape capture. Able to transform into a wisp of smoke, his talent has proved useful on countless missions. Smoke has no memory of his childhood. His only family is the Lin Kuei, more specifically the younger Sub-Zero, who is like a brother to him. It has been Smoke's hope that through the Lin Kuei he will discover his past--and the origin of his power.

Shao Kahn's violent death shook the very core of Smoke's being and dislodged his earliest memories.

Tomas Vrbada was only a boy when he was abducted by an obscure cult and sacrificed to a demon. Burned alive, he returned to the mortal realm as an enenra, a creature of smoke and vapor. His captors were helpless against his shapeless form as he lashed out with rage, killing them all. His murder avenged, he returned to his human form, remembering nothing of his former life. Now aware of his true identity, Smoke understands he is no mere assassin. His destiny has been revealed.

As a girl, Sonya idolized her father, a U.S. Marine. When he embarked on a covert operation and never returned, she vowed to honor his memory. She joined the Marines and pushed herself hard, quickly rising in rank. Sonya's impulsiveness didn't win her many friends, but her skills and loyalty gained the respect and admiration of all who fought beside her. Though she has never given up her quest to uncover the truth behind her father's disappearance, she realizes that she might never see him again. Now Sonya finds herself caught up in the mysterious Mortal Kombat tournament. Like her father, she too could become a casualty of war.

The loss of friends and allies during the battle with Shao Kahn took its toll on Sonya Blade’s sanity.

She left the Special Forces and went into seclusion to cope with her grief. But her solitude was brief as she found herself regularly visited by an apparition who claimed to be her missing father. With her father as a guide, Sonya embarked on a mission to exterminate what remained of Shao Kahn’s army.

One of New York City's Finest, Stryker is a one-man SWAT team. He was once decorated for single-handedly thwarting the terrorists in the famous Greenberg Tower Incident, and again for rescuing passengers of a speeding crosstown bus rigged to explode. He was unprepared, however, for the magical portal that spewed forth creatures from another realm--a realm he didn't even know existed. So far his kombat training has gotten him through the first wave of creatures. It'll take more than rocket-launching Tarkatans to stop this die-hard cop.

Despite telling the world that he was simply doing his job, Stryker was made a hero for saving Earth from invasion.

He received both the key to city and the Congressional Medal of Freedom. Press and paparazzi hounded his every move. His biography spent a year on the best-seller lists. Stryker action figures flew off the shelves and into every young boy’s hand. But when approached by Hollywood for the rights to his story, Stryker put his foot down. Never would he allow himself to be portrayed by Johnny Cage.

An assassin of the Lin Kuei clan, Kuai Liang commands the power of ice and cold. Unlike other members of his clan, he and his older brother, Bi-Han, were abducted as children by the Lin Kuei and trained in the techniques of assassination throughout their lives. Though his codename is Tundra, he has now assumed the mantle of Sub-Zero to honor his brother after Bi-Han's mysterious death. With the help of his fellow Lin Kuei Smoke, Sub-Zero tirelessly hunts the one who killed his brother.

After the victory over Shao Kahn, Sub-Zero learned from Raiden the truth: that the Lin Kuei were ultimately responsible for the deaths of both Sub-Zero's and Scorpion's families.

Enraged, Sub-Zero offered Scorpion a chance to share in his quest for vengeance. With the might of fire and ice combined, they were a storm of vengeful fury as they cut down their foes. Once justice had been done...

... Sub-Zero and Scorpion disappeared into legend, emerging from obscurity only to avenge the innocent. The forces of darkness will never stop this Deadly Alliance.
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